(Below is a wonderful email we got to send out last week to folks signed up on our Action Alert list. -Brian)
Dear Friends!
We are so very delighted to announce CGF Advocate Lennie Roberts was awarded the Cox Conserves Hero’s Award today!!!
CGF is honored to have Lennie’s support, dedication, perseverance and generosity working on behalf of the open space, farmlands and natural resources of
Without your support Lennie would not have been given this award. Thank you for your vote and for passing on the voting request to your friends and families.
Lennie, has generously donated the $5,000 winner’s check to CGF. Thank you, Lennie!
We have been told that clips of the award luncheon can be seen tonight on the Channel 2 10 o’clock news. Tune in!
Again, we thank you for all the ways you support CGF!
– The folks at Green Foothills
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