Santa Clara County is now accepting comments on the environmental documentation for the first of the two trails that Stanford promised to build in return for all the development it was allowed. (For background information, click here.) You can review the County’s new document here:
Stanford S1 Trail Alignment Draft Supplemental EIR (scroll two-thirds of the way down the screen)
The main problem with the document is that the “trail” it identifies as environmentally superior is hardly a trail at all, and simply follows existing roads and sidewalks. The reason for this is that the County refuses to look at which trail best reduces the environmental impact from Stanford’s expansion, and instead chooses the trail alignment that has the least impact on its own. Obviously, the smallest impact will come from an alignment that creates as little actual trail as possible. Instead of looking for a more natural setting, the document prefers a trail along existing roads and sidewalks, where people can already go walking.
Comments are due Friday for this document – send them to [email protected]
We’ll do a more public push on the S1 Trail when the final environmental document is complete.
Update: You can read CGF’s comment letter on the draft environmental report here.
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