2023 Annual Report

Celebrating Changemakers

A changemaker is anyone who proactively works to improve the world around them. Ten years ago, we launched the Green Foothills Leadership Program to support up-and-coming changemakers by training them in advocacy skills. The program has undergone some exciting developments over the past decade, including integrating a focus on equitable, inclusive environmental activism as a key component of the curriculum. This year also marked the first time the training was presented in both English and Spanish, with six Spanish speakers among the 17 graduates of the class of 2023.

With the support of an active alumni network, many graduates go on to apply their training in new leadership roles in a variety of organizations and/or advance environmental justice and conservation initiatives in the counties we serve. On this tenth anniversary of the Leadership Program, we celebrate our alumni accomplishments by highlighting some of their endeavors on the Leadership Impact Map in this Annual Report. We congratulate them on their commitment and efforts to benefit the environment and their communities. Through their work, along with that of so many other alumni, Green Foothills is scaling our impact in new ways and helping to grow a more inclusive conservation movement.

This was also a good year for our advocacy efforts. We won stronger protection for wildlife habitat in the Stanford Foothills, ensured a healthier environment with the closure of the cement kiln at Lehigh Quarry, and defended the unique and irreplaceable Coyote Valley from new threats. We officially launched our Upper Pajaro Watershed program with the addition of a new advocate dedicated to protecting this area’s vast natural landscapes and resources. We also continued to support the work of and increase resources for local tribes and Indigenous-serving organizations, especially through grant writing support.

We are grateful to all our donors, funders, and volunteers who make this work and its impact possible. Be sure in the knowledge that we endeavor to stretch every dollar that you generously provide effectively.

Thank you for all you do for our local natural environment.

Julie Hutcheson's signature

PS: Please visit our web page celebrating our 838 wonderful donors from 2023!

Julie headshot
Julie Hutcheson
Executive Director

Impact Map

Our annual report map usually focuses on Green Foothills’ advocacy initiatives, but this year we are dedicating the map to our Leadership Program, in honor of the program’s 10th anniversary. This map describes some of the initiatives our 259 Leadership Program alumni have launched or joined, and some of the leadership roles alumni currently hold, to illustrate the program’s impact.

Zoom in on the map and click on each point to learn more about the individual projects.

The Leadership Program is supported by Green Foothills donors, Applied Materials Foundation Community Fund, the County of Santa Clara, Knight Foundation, North Santa Clara Resource Conservation District (NSCRCD), San Mateo County Health, Sand Hill Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and Wildlife Conservation Network’s California Wildlife Program.

Anna Eshoo

Our Impact in 2023

Advocacy Program


acres of open space protected or benefited



achieved out of 7 concluded land use issues

7 key wildlife and plant species benefited
2 policies or plans adopted by governmental agencies



land use issues

in total monitored and advocated

22 were in collaboration with a total of 70 tribes, organizations, and community leaders
21,464 comment letters sent in response to our 10 calls to action with 5 favorable outcomes, and 3 outcomes still pending
145 additional letters were in response to our call to thank legislators for their votes


Neal S. standing on hiking trail with trees in the background

Our Impact in 2023

Leadership Program


local changemakers graduated, including 6 Spanish speakers

for a total of 259 alumni since 2014*


alumni in a new leadership role

for a total of 122 since 2014*



initiatives won by alumni

for a total of 50 since 2014*

13 initiatives launched or joined by alumni for a total of 53 since 2014*


*year the first cohort graduated

The Leadership Program is supported by Green Foothills donors, Applied Materials Foundation Community Fund, the County of Santa Clara, Knight Foundation, North Santa Clara Resource Conservation District (NSCRCD), San Mateo County Health, Sand Hill Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and Wildlife Conservation Network’s California Wildlife Program.

Ash M. standing outdoors among trees

Deepen Your Support

Green Foothills deeply values every individual, agency, and foundation who makes our work possible and we are proud to recognize every contributor in Our Donor Community. Thanks to their generous support, we can champion land use decisions that affirm and support open space, biodiversity, climate resilience, and natural resources in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and San Benito Counties. We ground these efforts in inclusion and prioritize equity-centered, community-building work.

Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund

Ensure nature always has a champion. The Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund is named in honor of Lennie Roberts’ 50+ year career as a volunteer advocate with Green Foothills. Lennie has been a tireless champion for the protection of the farmlands, forests, beaches, and scenic beauty of the San Mateo coast, and the public’s access to it. Her efforts have helped ensure that we can enjoy much of the irreplaceable coastside landscape in its natural state. Donations to the Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund will provide long-term support for the next generation of Green Foothills advocacy. Donations to this fund are restricted to our Advocacy Program. We have already raised over $1 million of our $2 million goal. Please help us reach our goal this year so we can fund a new advocate position in 2025. Visit greenfoothills.org/LRAF to make your pledge.

Leave a Legacy

A gift from your estate is the ultimate way to support our mission. We’ve partnered with FreeWill to give you the ability to create your estate plan online in only 20 minutes. Let us know you have included Green Foothills in your estate plans or learn more by visiting greenfoothills.org/legacy.

Shruti G. standing among redwood trees

Financial Health

We are thankful for all who volunteered their time and contributed to Green Foothills in 2023. Our volunteers put in 2,475 hours of their time valued at $74,126.25. To view a list of our 838 wonderful donors from 2023, please visit our webpage dedicated to celebrating them.

Financials | April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023

Income: $1,564,767
Total revenue decreased slightly due to investment income loss. Although grant income was a little lower, there was an increase over last year in contributions, including those for the Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund, a long-term fund restricted to our Advocacy Program.
Not shown: For investment income, we had a net loss of $39,684. 

Expenses: $1,202,722
Overall expenses decreased, but we invested in fundraising infrastructure to improve our efficiency in that area.

Net Assets: $1,646,997
Newly awarded grant funding for our programs increased restricted reserves and we continued our focus on fundraising efforts to build the long-term advocacy fund.

Unrestricted, Undesignated: $255,155
Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund: $1,052,722
Temporarily Restricted: $339,120


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