Stanford Trails issues

Stanford Trails issues

Last week, CGF sent out an Action Alert asking for support of Supervisor Liz Kniss’ proposal to use the Stanford trail funds for two trail-related projects. Here’s part of the text of our Alert:
In 2000, Stanford received permission from the County through its General Use Permit (GUP) to develop about 5 million square feet on its core campus. As mitigation for this campus expansion, Stanford agreed to grant two trail easements across Stanford land as shown on the County Trails Master Plan. After years of negotiation with Santa Clara County over the exact alignment of the trails, Stanford insisted on constructing one of the trails on a different alignment than the one shown on the Master Plan, and insisted that the second trail should be relocated to San Mateo County, along Alpine Road. Over the next few years, San Mateo County rejected Stanford’s proposed trail alignment three times, the final time being in December 2011. At this point, the trail funding was returned to Santa Clara County to be used to mitigate the loss of recreational opportunities due to Stanford’s development.
Now, Supervisor Liz Kniss (whose district includes Palo Alto and Stanford’s land) has proposed that a portion of the $10.4 million currently in this fund be used for two trail-related projects: a bicycle/pedestrian overcrossing over Highway 101 at Adobe Creek, and the completion of the “Dumbarton link” of the Bay Trail, between the Ravenswood Open Space Preserve and the Dumbarton Bridge. The Adobe Creek bridge would provide safe, year-round access between residential Palo Alto, including Stanford, and the Baylands nature preserve. The Dumbarton link would form the final link in the Bay Trail between Redwood City and Alviso, providing 27 miles of uninterrupted shoreline trail. Both of these trail projects would benefit bicycle commuters as well as recreational users, and would be environmentally beneficial in multiple ways: reducing automobile traffic, providing access to shoreline open space, encouraging increased biking and hiking, and drawing attention to the natural beauty of our Bayfront.
Here’s our update from May 23:
Thanks to all of you who emailed comments to the Board of Supervisors in favor of the proposal, and an especially big thanks to those who showed up at the meeting and spoke in person! Unfortunately, the proposal was not voted on at the meeting yesterday. The Board of Supervisors decided to delay voting until after other proposals have been submitted for consideration. The Board is expected to hear this matter again in August. CGF will alert our members when the issue comes before the Board again. Thanks again for taking action — the Board received a lot of emails, so they definitely know the public is paying attention!

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