CGF in the news – San Mateo County open space decision

(As time permits, we’ll put a link here on the blog to articles when CGF’s discussed in the news media. -Brian)

Victory for open-space proponents

REDWOOD CITY — Owners of some unincorporated parcels in San Mateo County
who are considering subdivision may have to think about its opposite: open

The San Mateo County Planning Commission unanimously agreed Wednesday to
recommend an amendment to zoning rules requiring owners subdividing large lots —
when those lots are zoned as “resource management district” for low-density uses
— to relinquish a certain portion for open space in perpetuity.

The Board of Supervisors will have final say on the amendment, which will
come before them at a future meeting.

Environmental groups support the amendment to the regulations, which
haven’t been updated since they were developed in 1973.
“The conservation
easement does not change the allowable uses on the property, does not change the
allowable density,” said Lennie Roberts, legislative advocate for Committee for
Green Foothills. “The conservation easement will ensure that once a property is
subdivided and its entitlements are used, a future owner can not come back and
take a bite of that apple.”

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