Green Foothills Community Meditation
Our hearts go out to those impacted by the massive CZU and SCU wildfires. Although the full extent of the impact is unknown, thousands of people had to flee their homes and too many do not have a home to go back to. Compounding stress is taking a toll on the entire community.
Now is a time for self care and community care. We need to take care of ourselves and we need to take care of one another. Join us for this meditation and check out our recent blog for how you can practice community care.
All are welcome to join this community meditation with Dr. Smita Garg, a friend of Green Foothills and graduate of our Community Advocates Leadership Academy. Says Dr. Garg, “Meditation helps one get through times of immense upheaval and change. It helps alleviate anxiety, trauma, and insecurity. Meditation is like an island of calm in the middle of turbulent seas.”