Thank You for Your Pledge
Thank you for your generous pledge to the Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund. We are grateful for your wonderful commitment to this important initiative. You will receive an email confirmation within the next few minutes.
As you know, the Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund was launched in honor of Lennie’s dedication to open space preservation. Since starting work at Green Foothills in 1978, Lennie and our organization have helped to protect nearly 200,000 acres of open space, farmland, and natural resources thanks to the support of wonderful people like you. When she eventually retires, this legacy will be appreciated by people for generations to come.
Such focused and significant support of this essential program is invaluable in sustaining our advocacy efforts for the long term, benefiting people, wildlife, and the natural environment in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. By working together with you and many other dedicated supporters, we are creating a resilient region where wildlife thrives, everyone has natural beauty to enjoy, and communities live in balance with nature.
Margaret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Thank you for your generous pledge to support the Lennie Roberts Advocacy Fund. I can assure you that it will be put to good use in the years to come by our growing Advocacy team.
Julie Hutcheson
Executive Director, Green Foothills
[email protected]