In addition to the people who contribute funds and volunteer time, Green Foothills’ work happens because of the people who choose our organization as their place of employment. For those of you who have interacted with our staff, it will come as no surprise to you when I say that Green Foothills has a dream team.
Our committed staff of twelve have collectively worked at Green Foothills for 113 years. In an effort to appreciate these wonderful people who have dedicated a good part of their lives to our mission, we’re recognizing employees in our e-newsletter when they reach their 5 year anniversaries.
This is our first round of recognitions, so let’s catch up on a few belated anniversaries by asking them, “What has been the most memorable moment since you joined Green Foothills?”
“After a 25-year campaign to defeat Caltrans’s plan to build a six-lane freeway bypassing a 600-foot long landslide area at Devil’s Slide, San Mateo County voters overwhelmingly approved Measure T, the Tunnel Initiative, in 1996. As one of the original “Tunnelistas” involved in this marathon of a campaign, I was thrilled to be selected by Caltrans to operate the special excavator and take the first bite out of the mountainside for the tunnel on September 17, 2007. Congressman Tom Lantos and various state and local dignitaries gave laudatory speeches.It was a blast to be the ceremonial ‘tunnel-breaker.’”
– Lennie Roberts: celebrated her 50th year in 2018
“There are a number of them! It’s hard to choose just one. I remember fondly the welcome I received at my first Green Foothills board meeting from Mary Davey, whom our Legacy Society is named after. I was feeling a little intimidated as I walked into the room. She immediately stood up and gave me a big welcoming hug. To have such an environmental legend welcome me in that way was incredibly special.”
– Julie Hutcheson: celebrated her 10th year in 2021
“This happened early on at Green Foothills… I spoke to San Jose City Council suggesting a change on a last-minute issue related to Coyote Valley. Then-Councilmember Sam Liccardo said “I agree, can we change that?” and it just happened. It almost shocked me, I just said something and now it’s City policy. That’s when I realized at Green Foothills we can make things happen.”
– Brian Schmidt: celebrated his 10th year in 2021
“The most memorable experiences have been out in nature – seeing a red-tailed hawk swoop right over my head at Juristac, or getting to visit Coyote Ridge during wildflower season. My favorite thing about this job is that I get to spend time in nature and get paid for it!”
– Alice Kaufman: celebrated her 10th year in 2021
“Our annual celebration, Nature’s Inspiration, holds many fond memories for me. We’ve honored incredible people like Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson who shares the legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers and Tribal Chairman Valentin Lopez who with the Amah Mutsun are fighting for the protection of Juristac. In addition to our honorees inspiring accolades, we celebrate local environmental wins alongside new and longtime advocates, who could ask for more?”
– Justyne Schnupp celebrated her 5th year in 2020
“My favorite moments at Green Foothills have been when we have had calls to action, rallies, or petitions where hundreds, sometimes thousands of people have shown their support for our work. It’s one thing to fight for a good cause, it’s another when an unignorable number of people are fighting alongside us — and then win!”
– Megan Fluke celebrated her 5th year in 2018
I want to express my gratitude for these six amazing people and for the entire Green Foothills team. You are helping to make our community a better place for us all.
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