CGF in the News: No on B, Yes on C

This weekend the Mercury News published an op-ed by San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Mary Collins of the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara, and Tito Cortez of the Veterans Supportive Services Agency, and we couldn’t agree more.

In their article, Opinion: Why San Jose voters should defeat Measure B, support Measure C: The billionaires behind Measure B pose an ominous threat for our Valley’s future (4/28/18), they laid out the reasons to vote against Measure B and for Measure C. As they explained, “San Jose stands at a crossroads. In June, voters will decide on two ballot measures – Measures B and C – and by that decision, our children and future generations will judge us. We will do well by posterity to remember that “B” is for billionaires, and “C” is for community.”

They also explained the negative environmental impacts Measure B would have, stating that “…the measure overrides limits on sprawling development in our most environmentally sensitive areas, such as Coyote Valley and the South Almaden Reserve. Measure B’s passage would destroy our hillsides and open spaces, and burden our freeways with even more gridlock. That’s why so many environmental organizations – such as the Sierra Club, Committee for Green Foothills, Audubon Society, Save the Bay, and Greenbelt Alliance – stand united against Measure B.”

Thank you Mayor Liccardo, Mary Collins, and Tito Cortez for spreading the word about this deceitful ballot measure.

For the full article online, please see:

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