We would like San Jose to take a break on developing Coyote Valley, considering that more appropriate prospects for urban redevelopment exist that could be hurt by siphoning business to the south. We knew, however, that this was unlikely, so the next best news is that San Jose did NOT clear the deck for an Environmental Impact Report necessary for developing Coyote Valley. Following Morgan Hill Mayor Kennedy’s suggestion (and maybe my own encouragement), the City directed staff to produce a list of alternatives for developing Coyote Valley prior to beginning the actual EIR.
Unfortunately, the Mercury News missed this change when it reported on the Tuesday’s events. It’s important because the public may have a chance for real input on what alternatives should be considered – staff is usually very hesitant to add alternatives after they have gone through the trouble of creating an EIR.
The Merc also had an editorial saying the EIR should go forward. We obviously disagree, and the step the City did take was better than simply plunging ahead.
By the way, I’ll be doing a radio call-in interview on 91.5 FM community radio shortly after 10 p.m. tonight, which could be heard mostly in areas south of Palo Alto down to San Benito County. Audubon Society’s Craig Breon will be hosting, and we’ll discuss Coyote Valley.
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