Help Us Fight Sprawl in the SEQ

Note: This action alert is now closed.  We will publish an update on the LAFCO meeting shortly.

On Wednesday, December 5, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will consider the City of Morgan Hill’s request to annex 65 acres of farmland in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) for development. Please come to the LAFCO meeting, or send an email to LAFCO.

What’s Happening
The City of Morgan Hill hasn’t given up on its plan for sprawl in the Southeast Quadrant. The reasons LAFCO denied this 65 acre urban service area (USA) amendment in 2015 are the same reasons why it should deny the amendment again in 2018.  It is inconsistent with LAFCO policy, the County General Plan, and the County’s recently adopted and award-winning Santa Clara Valley Agricultural Plan which serves as a regional climate change and agricultural economic development strategy.

Why It Matters
The SEQ, the last large area of contiguous farmland in the Morgan Hill vicinity, is part of the County’s designated Agricultural Resource Area. This annexation will cause the unnecessary loss of 65 acres of farmland, spur the loss of adjacent prime farmland that the City wants to develop in the future, and ultimately make farming increasingly difficult on any remaining agricultural land in the SEQ. While the City’s proposal includes mitigation for 38 of the 65 acres of prime farmland lost to development, it does not compensate for the further growth this annexation will induce and the additional impacts it will cause, including significant and unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions and reduction in farmland viability.

It is incumbent on the City to prioritize sound planning for the future of this area in collaboration with the County, the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, and LAFCO.

Please come to the LAFCO meeting, or send an email to LAFCO, to request that the Commission deny the City’s latest attempt at sprawl that is in direct conflict with LAFCO’s mission and County policies and will open the door to further loss of prime farmland in the SEQ.

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