It’s undeniable–the public wants Coyote Valley protected! As popular opinion has begun to shift regarding the iconic open space to the south of San Jose, the city has started a multi-step process to determine the future of Coyote Valley. At an initial study session on January 22nd, individuals and groups working together as the Protect Coyote Valley campaign turned out in the hundreds on a chilly Tuesday morning to stand as one and call on San Jose’s elected leaders to reject industrial sprawl in the most important unprotected wildlife corridor in the region.
It was an enthusiastic crowd, many of whom stayed for the several hours of council meetings that followed, waving signs and gathering to hear speakers outside of City Hall. At least 4 local news media organizations were present, and the rally made the front page of the San Jose Mercury News the following morning. If any of you who are reading this now attended the rally or volunteered behind the scenes, thank you! You played a major role in drawing attention to the need for protection of this irreplaceable open space.
We hope the city will make the right decision and will continue to post updates about new developments and actions to take as the process moves forward. In the meantime, you can check out what some of the comments submitted to the council had to say about Coyote Valley:
“As you study the future of your region and sharpen the vision you would like to make a reality, I encourage you to shape your policies and investments to preserve irreplaceable natural spaces, not only for today, but for the health and wellbeing of the people and critters for generations to come.”
—Sally Jewell, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior
“After decades of being identified as a possible region for future development, we are encouraged by the foresight of the City Council to include money in Measure T to help preserve and protect the Coyote Valley for current and future generations. What it offers is irreplaceable: wetlands, an essential wildlife habitat and migratory area, active farmlands, and open space for all to enjoy.”
—CA State Legislators Ash Kalra, Kansen Chu, Mark Stone, Robert Rivas, Jim Beall, and Bill Monning
“I am writing to you to express my support for the preservation of land in the Coyote Valley for the sole purpose of preserving natural resources. Not too long ago Coyote Valley was looked upon as an area for commercial and industrial development. Now with your leadership Coyote Valley’s natural resources can be saved. However, this is more than just preserving the open space, Coyote Valley is a vital ecosystem that the citizens of Morgan Hill rely on for flood protection, clean water supply, and recreation opportunities.
I extol the conservation efforts put forth by you in wanting to permanently preserve the natural beauty and open space of the Coyote Valley. I believe the investment of voter approved Measure T funding will help protect the natural infrastructure in Coyote Valley.”
—Rich Constantine, Mayor of Morgan Hill
From neighboring cities to the federal level, Coyote Valley is attracting attention and support as a critical piece of natural infrastructure in urbanized Silicon Valley and an increasingly important wildlife corridor, water source, and recreation spot. Thank you for standing up for this endangered piece of open space; together we can make sure that it endures!
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