Earlier this week Legislative Advocate Lennie Roberts sent an action alert to all of our supporters asking folks to join with Committee for Green Foothills and protect North Crestview Park in San Carlos. We are urging the city council to stop from rezoning this land, which was dedicated as parkland in 1974 as mitigation to offset greater density.
According to the Daily Journal, who published the article Protests amassing against rezoning park for school: One San Carlos councilman could be deciding factor if plan heads to ballot (6/26/14), as of today the city has received 431 written protests. The article also wrote a nice summary of the issue, and made a few references to our work, noting that:
“The Committee for Green Foothills is further chumming the waters on behalf of plan opponents, sending its own protest letter and providing a template online for others to do the same.
The Committee for Green Foothills has ‘long-standing interesting’ in the North Crestview park which was created in 1974 to mitigate surrounding housing density, legislative advocate Lennie Roberts wrote in its protest letter.
Roberts suggests the space could be a site of more active recreation and is an important wildlife corridor. As the population grows, the need for nearby green spaces will become even greater, Roberts wrote.
She also references a sticking point for Grocott — the city’s general plan and the land’s existing zoning in it.”
The city council’s protest hearing will be held next Monday, June 30, at 7 pm at San Carlos City Hall (600 Elm Street). We will continue to keep everyone informed as the issue moves forward. And, if the city council does vote to override the protest on Monday night, we will continue to lead the efforts to stop this important parkland from being used for anything else other than open space.
For the full article online: http://www.smdailyjournal.com/articles/lnews/2014-06-26/protests-amassing-against-rezoning-park-for-school-one-san-carlos-councilman-could-be-deciding-factor-if-plan-heads-to-ballot/1776425125617.html
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