The State Lands Commission and the City of Burlingame are holding a public outreach meeting to consider what uses should be considered for an undeveloped 9-acre property along the Burlingame Bayfront. This land is owned by the State of California, and is subject to the Public Trust.
What You Can Do
Join me in speaking up for improved public access, habitat restoration, and resilient design in the face of sea level rise.
When: Thursday, March 22, 6:30–8:30pm
Where: Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA
What’s Happening
To assist with the decision making process, the State Lands Commission is holding a meeting to hear what the public considers the best use of the site under the Public Trust Doctrine. This is the first time that the State Lands Commission has ever held a meeting on what the public wants around the Bay, and the best use under the Public Trust Doctrine.
What is the Public Trust Doctrine?
The public’s right to use California’s waterways is protected by the Common Law doctrine of the Public Trust. Historically, the Public Trust referred to the basic right of the public to use its waterways to engage in “commerce, navigation, and fisheries.” More recently, the doctrine has been broadened by various landmark court decisions to include the right to swim, boat, and to preserve lands in their natural state. The Public Trust continuously evolves to protect the public’s use and needs in California’s waterways.
Why It Matters
Because of competing proposals for use of this Bayfront site, the State Lands Commission has decided to prepare a Public Trust Needs Assessment. This meeting will decide whether the area needs more development or more restoration. In another unusual situation, a private group, the SPHERE Institute is assisting with funding this effort to restore the site.
This is a rare opportunity to speak up for improved habitat, restoring the site to counter the impacts of sea level rise, and improving access to the Bay for all. I hope to see you there!
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