We sent the following letter in support of separating some leftover connections between the Santa Clara Valley Water District and Santa Clara County government, changing them from semi-separate to separate agencies. Both agencies wanted the change, and it should make accountability clearer.
May 15, 2006
The Honorable Joe Coto
State Capitol Room 2170
Subject: Notice of Support for AB 2435 (Coto): Santa Clara Valley Water District
Dear Assembly Member Coto:
The Committee for Green Foothills supports your AB 2435 to amend the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s (District) enabling act (Act). Our organization agrees with the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and the District Board of Directors that the existing arrangement no longer serves the interests of the County, the District, or more importantly the voters, residents and businesses of
AB 2435 will ultimately reduce costs to taxpayers and allow the voters to hold their elected officials directly accountable for decisions relating to water resources. Your bill will also make the District’s composition and budgetary process conform to that of other independent special districts throughout the state.
Our organization is very pleased that you have agreed to author this legislation, which was developed collaboratively by the County and the District. We are pleased to add our name to the list of supporters for this bill.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Brian A. Schmidt
Legislative Advocate, cc: SCVWD Board of Directors, Fax: (408) 266-2897 Julie Maclay, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Fax: (916) 448-8499
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