On Monday (10/27/14) I sent an email asking residents in the City of Santa Clara to speak up and urge the city not to reconsider its development impact fee to fund city parks. A huge thank you to everyone who contacted the Santa Clara City Council. I’m please to have good news to share! At...
Tag: parks
Tell Santa Clara to uphold parks funding
Tomorrow, Tuesday October 28, the Santa Clara City Council may vote on a motion to reconsider its recent decision regarding the city’s new parks funding ordinance. Please tell the City Council NOT to reconsider its vote, and to keep the parks funding ordinance at 100% of cost recovery. What You Can Do 1. Come to...
Action Alert: Speak up for Parks in Santa Clara
Next Tuesday, June 24, the Santa Clara City Council will consider adopting an ordinance to require developers to pay fees to provide funding for parks. Please tell the City Council to vote in favor of this ordinance so that Santa Clara will have money to pay for parks. What You Can Do Come to the...