Action Alert! On Tuesday, December 16, Cupertino City Councilmembers will hold a study session to discuss three options for increased use and development in the Stevens Creek corridor area. Please join me and tell the City Council to reject the three proposed alternatives, since all would have significant impacts on valuable habitat and the McClellan Ranch Nature Preserve.
What You Can Do
1. Email Cupertino City Councilmembers ([email protected]) before Tuesday
2. Join me and speak at the Cupertino City Council Study Session
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 3-6pm
Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014
What’s Happening
For the past several years, Cupertino has been engaged in a multi-million-dollar restoration and trails project along the Stevens Creek corridor, including McClellan Ranch Nature Preserve, Blackberry Farm, and Stocklmeier Ranch.
Now, Cupertino may be poised to undo much of this years-long restoration work by introducing elements such as sports fields, new roads and parking lots, and new swimming pools into a natural habitat area. While we appreciate the importance of recreational amenities, they should not be located in this precious wildlife corridor.
Why It Matters
This area is not only a vital wildlife migration corridor linking the Santa Cruz Mountains to the valley floor, it is a much-loved park where thousands participate in volunteer restoration efforts and school field trips, and where joggers, bicyclists and families come to enjoy the peace and beauty of nature. In addition, several special-status species are known to utilize this area.
Cupertino should not waste its multi-million-dollar investment and spend even more money making new changes to a park that residents already enjoy exactly as it is.
Thank you for joining me and protecting this important natural area.
Alice Kaufman
Legislative Advocate
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