Sixty years ago, the plans for sprawl across the landscape from hilltop to shoreline seemed unstoppable. Our community organized, and together we have protected nearly 200,000 acres of natural land and wildlife habitat. Our goals for the next 40 years are no less ambitious.
Our board and staff team are excited for what we have in store for you this year as we celebrate this momentous occasion!
- After two years, we’ll finally be holding in-person outdoor events including our Healing in Nature series, our new company outings program, and a very special Nature’s Inspiration this fall.
- We will be publishing stories in our eNewsletter highlighting some of the 900+ campaigns we fought together to help realize a different vision for our region.
- In a few weeks we will release our centennial vision, detailing how, together with our partners, we can create a resilient region where wildlife thrives, everyone has natural beauty to enjoy, and communities live in balance with nature. Stay tuned, we will be asking for you to sign on as a supporter of this vision.
The work of local advocacy groups like Green Foothills is key to solving the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis. There’s a lot of work that can only be done at the local level. Let’s recognize and celebrate this momentous year together as we prepare for the work ahead.
In service,
Megan Fluke
Executive Director
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