Planting Seeds for the Future: Mary Davey Legacy Society Info Night

field of California poppies

Green Foothills’ Planting Seeds for the Future: Mary Davey Legacy Society Info Night was hosted last week. Here is the event recording:

Through touching stories of how Mary impacted their lives, members of the Society shared how important it was to them to continue her legacy. Mary’s steadfast belief in, and work for, Green Foothills’ mission has been inspirational. In fact, we are pleased to announce that we have received four new bequests in the past week!

If you too are willing and able to make such a gift to Green Foothills, we offer two new partnerships to assist you:

  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation: Learn more about how to create life income while leaving a legacy and avoid capital gains taxes on highly appreciated assets by opening up a Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable Gift Annuity. Contact [email protected] for more information.
  • FreeWill: Leave a Legacy to help sustain our impact. Please visit to create a legal will in 20 minutes or less.

Our work is made possible because decades ago people like you laid the foundation for the work we do today.

We appreciate all those who made it out to honor Mary Davey. Thanks again for joining us!

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