The Green Foothills community extends heartfelt condolences to former Board member, Larry Ames, and extended family and friends following the untimely passing of Larry’s beloved wife and all around wonderful person, Liv. Born in Mo i Rana, Norway, just south of the Arctic Circle. Liv enjoyed a happy childhood with her two siblings sledding...
Author: Will Wyman (Will Wyman)
Sponsorships and Silent Auction Donation Still Needed
Please join us virtually on October 3 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. for our 18th annual celebration honoring Blanca Alvarado and Rod Diridon, Sr. For more than half a century, these two former Santa Clara County Supervisors have dared to blaze trails that have profoundly shaped the county’s landscape leaving an enduring legacy of environmental...
It’s Easy to Leave a Legacy With FreeWill
We believe in a future where wildlife and communities thrive and live in balance together. Green Foothills continues to champion the open spaces, farmlands, and natural resources in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for the benefit of all through advocacy, education, and grassroots action. It’s your loyal support and generosity that make this possible....
Reflections on a Most Unusual Year
If there’s anything I’ve learned from the most unusual past year is that by working together – with patience, resolve, and resourcefulness – we can accomplish anything. Now, I’ve got a little story to share in relation to that. Indulge me as I recount my uplifting experience joining the staff of Green Foothills on...
Our 17th annual Nature’s Inspiration on September 27th promises to be a rockin’ success!
If you haven’t yet heard the exciting news, we’ve got a truly wonderful line-up of talented speakers, activists, and musicians on Sunday, September 27, to assure that our first-ever virtual fundraiser, our 17th annual Nature’s Inspiration community celebration, will be an engaging program and rockin’ success! Not only do we have a personal appearance and...
17th Annual Nature’s Inspiration – Introducing our First-Ever Host Committee
Where would the environmental movement be without passionate and dedicated people? With the challenge of holding...
Corporate Philanthropy & Matching Gifts are Making a Difference for Green Foothills
Corporate Social Responsibility is a big buzzword at the C-Suite level, but what does it mean down on the ground for Green Foothills and our loyal supporters? Corporate matching gift programs have been around since 1954, when the GE Foundation decided to stand behind its employees’ personal philanthropy with a dollar-for-dollar match. Today, chances are...