Category: Action Alert

Speak Up for Protection of Our Local Farmland

Speak Up for Protection of Our Local Farmland

This Wednesday, July 27, the Morgan Hill City Council will vote to approve the Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan which includes 400 acres of Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) development plans and two new potential school sites. All this after public outcry to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to deny their proposal for sprawl into the...

Speak up for County Parks, Highways, & Vistas

Speak up for County Parks, Highways, & Vistas

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will soon decide whether or not to allow an assessment of county-owned property along highways 101 and 92 to identify potential sites for billboards. Please join us in urging supervisors to stop this before it starts, and reject the proposal to do an assessment. We are no longer asking people...

Speak Up for Baylands & Wildlife

Speak Up for Baylands & Wildlife

Next Tuesday, March 22, San Jose City Councilmembers will consider approving a hotel project on the Bay, right at the mouth of the Guadalupe River in Alviso. This project is based on an outdated EIR (for a different and smaller project) that predates the existence of the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, which is directly adjacent...



On March 11, 2016, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will determine whether or not to allow the City of Morgan Hill an annexation request to develop the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ). Ultimately, the City plans is to annex and develop 400 acres of farmland. LAFCo’s job is to protect farmland, and prevent sprawl. Let’s make sure...

Update on Santa Clara City Parks

Update on Santa Clara City Parks

Last week I sent an action alert asking you to speak up for Santa Clara City parks. For those of you who couldn’t make it to the city council meeting on January 26, I wanted to share a quick update with you. At the meeting, the councilmembers voted to create a task force to come...

Tell Santa Clara City Council to Protect Parks

Tell Santa Clara City Council to Protect Parks

Next Tuesday, January 26, 2016, Santa Clara City Councilmembers will hold a study session to decide whether to drastically reduce the amount of fees developers are required to pay to fund city parks. Please join me and speak up for parks and tell the City Council to follow their staff’s recommendation for park impact fees....

Speak Up for Responsible Growth in Gilroy

Speak Up for Responsible Growth in Gilroy

Dear Friends, Please join me in urging Gilroy City Councilmembers to deny a proposal that could allow for the development of 721 acres of open space by Monday, December 7. What You Can Do Email Gilroy City Councilmembers by Monday, December 7 ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) and ask them to deny...

Speak Up for San Jose Green Space

Speak Up for San Jose Green Space

Please join me in urging San Jose City Councilmembers to preserve city golf courses as open space, not housing, by Tuesday. On this day they will give Parks Department staff direction on the future of the city’s three publicly owned golf courses, and whether they should remain as parkland or be used for development. What...

Thank you Santa Clara County BOS

Thank you Santa Clara County BOS

On Tuesday, October 6, county supervisors voted to require that the county take steps to protect wildlife migration corridors and native serpentine plant habitats from the negative impacts of building a solar power facility in North Coyote Valley. Santa Clara County is planning to construct several solar power “farms” at various locations, including a 9-acre...


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