This November, voters will decide on a large number of ballot measures and propositions. To help you make sense of this crowded ballot, Committee for Green Foothills offers our recommendations for several local ballot measures. Please vote YES on Measure K in San Mateo County, Measure H in Gilroy, Measure I, J, and K in...
Category: Action Alert
Next Action to Protect Peninsula Watershed
Thanks to everyone who spoke up to maintain existing protections of the Peninsula watershed and its habitats. Unfortunately, despite an outpouring of opposition to “opening up” the watershed’s remote areas to unmanaged access, on September 12 the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee voted 2-1 (with Supervisor Aaron Peskin opposed) to forward the matter...
In the News on the Peninsula Watershed
Check out the recent article in the Mercury News by our Legislative Advocate Lennie Roberts and Arthur Feinstein of the Sierra Club, Hetch Hetchy system’s Bay Area watersheds are in danger (9/8/16) for more on our position to open the peninsula watershed. The article explains, “Two Chapters of the Sierra Club, three Chapters of Audubon, two...
Speak up and protect drinking water and wildlife habitat
On Monday, September 12, the Land Use and Transportation Committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will consider allowing unmanaged access to currently protected areas of the Peninsula watershed. Please join us in urging the San Francisco Supervisors and Mayor Ed Lee to reject unmanaged access, improve the existing docent program, and protect our...
Support ban on drones in Bedwell Bayfront Park
On Tuesday, August 23, the Menlo Park City Council will consider a ban on drones in Bedwell Bayfront Park. Drone flights in this park pose a hazard to birds at the adjacent Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, as well as to planes flying overhead to San Carlos and Palo Alto Airports. Please join me in urging...
Speak up for riparian corridor protection and bird-safe design
Next Tuesday, August 23, the San Jose City Council will consider riparian corridor protections and bird-safe design guidelines. Please join me and support these protections and request the Council apply the voluntary bird-safe design guidelines to all riparian corridors, not just north of Highway 237. What’s Happening For years we have advocated with other groups...
Speak Up for Protection of Our Local Farmland
This Wednesday, July 27, the Morgan Hill City Council will vote to approve the Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan which includes 400 acres of Southeast Quadrant (SEQ) development plans and two new potential school sites. All this after public outcry to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to deny their proposal for sprawl into the...
Speak up for County Parks, Highways, & Vistas
The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will soon decide whether or not to allow an assessment of county-owned property along highways 101 and 92 to identify potential sites for billboards. Please join us in urging supervisors to stop this before it starts, and reject the proposal to do an assessment. We are no longer asking people...
Speak Up for Baylands & Wildlife
Next Tuesday, March 22, San Jose City Councilmembers will consider approving a hotel project on the Bay, right at the mouth of the Guadalupe River in Alviso. This project is based on an outdated EIR (for a different and smaller project) that predates the existence of the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, which is directly adjacent...
On March 11, 2016, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will determine whether or not to allow the City of Morgan Hill an annexation request to develop the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ). Ultimately, the City plans is to annex and develop 400 acres of farmland. LAFCo’s job is to protect farmland, and prevent sprawl. Let’s make sure...