The Mercury News got it right when they wrote, “Farmland is a finite resource. Building on it in order to save it? Really?” In today’s editorial, Morgan Hill land grab has to be stopped (3/10/16), the paper explained the weight of the decision that will be made at tomorrow’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) meeting, saying “[t]he future of farmland in Santa Clara County hinges” on Friday’s decision “on an outrageous annexation proposal by the city of Morgan Hill.”
The editorial went on to explain that if approved, the agency would be sending a message wildly contrary to their mission, and “[a]pproval would say to other landowners and cities: Hey, all those policies for saving farmland? We were just kidding.”
The Mercury News got it right. Now let’s hope LAFCo gets it right tomorrow too.
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For the full editorial online, please see:
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