On Tuesday, October 20, the Half Moon Bay City Council voted unanimously to submit the city’s updated Local Coastal Land Use Plan (LUP) to the California Coastal Commission for certification as to the Plan’s conformity with the policies of the Coastal Act. We sent a letter to the City Council thanking them for the diligence...
Tag: Half Moon Bay
Dunes Beach: Let’s Keep Up the Pressure for Preservation
Despite a virtual tidal wave of opposition to the proposed massive hotel and RV park complex at Dunes Beach, developers Steven Weed and John Vidovich have not heeded the public’s call to work with the city for protection of this important open space. It’s imperative we continue to remind the Half Moon Bay City Council...
Oil Wells in San Mateo County?
San Mateo County has some of the oldest oil fields in California dating back to the 1880s. During the past several decades, Green Foothills opposed many new oil wells proposed on prime agricultural land where farming is the principal allowable use. We supported San Mateo County’s Ordinance, enacted in the 1980s, that restricted new oil...
Speak Up for Open Space at Dunes Beach!
Despite overwhelming public opposition, developers Steven Weed and John Vidovich have submitted a formal application to the City of Half Moon Bay for a 212-room luxury hotel/conference center, a 177-space high-end RV park/clubhouse and a 40-bed hostel on a 47-acre area of open space between Highway 1 and Dunes Beach. Please show your support for...
We’re pleased to announce the release of our 2018 Annual Report. We celebrated many victories for nature in 2018, from defeating Measure B and passing Measure C in San Jose, to advocating for restorable wetlands along the Bay, to mobilizing Half Moon Bay citizens to protect the coast from hotel development. Watch some of the...
People Who Give Us Hope: John Lynch
John Lynch, volunteer extraordinaire, has helped propel the Dunes Beach campaign forward by personally collecting over 2,000 signatures in Half Moon Bay for a petition we crafted with members of the community to express support for protecting the area adjacent to Dunes Beach from development. John is a former member of the Committee for Green...
Thank You & Happy Holidays!
Thank you for fighting with us in 2017. Whether you made a donation, responded to an action alert, spoke at a meeting, went for a hike, or shared our news with a friend, you were part of the fight for local nature. Thank you. Thanks to you and our community, we celebrated some important wins...
Committee Applauds: Half Moon Bay City Council
Round of applause for Half Moon Bay city councilmembers for deciding to separate the local coastal Program (LCP) Update from the General Plan Elements Update, and giving direction to prioritize completion of the LCP.
Half Moon Bay Coastal Plan Falls Short
By Lennie Roberts, Legislative Advocate It’s been almost three years since Half Moon Bay began an ambitious update of its General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning Ordinance. The city has now released the First Public Review Draft of its Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. Unfortunately, the Draft Plan’s policies regarding protection of sensitive...
Introducing Our First-Ever Annual Report
You may be surprised to hear that we’ve never created an annual report (I was when I realized it). But like most things, it’s better late than never, right? For me, taking the time to sit down and reflect on what we accomplished together in 2015 made this endeavor worthwhile. Looking back was also an...