Thank you for fighting with us in 2017. Whether you made a donation, responded to an action alert, spoke at a meeting, went for a hike, or shared our news with a friend, you were part of the fight for local nature. Thank you. Thanks to you and our community, we celebrated some important wins...
Tag: PG&E
PG&E Habitat Conservation Plan: A Threat To Edgewood’s Endangered Species
Wherever you live, you live near a PG&E facility. PG&E’s gas pipelines and electrical lines go everywhere and across every kind of habitat, including wildlife refuges and nature preserves. That’s why we were concerned when we discovered this April that PG&E is seeking approval for a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that would cover all of...
PG&E Habitat Conservation Plan Meets Resistance
In April, we learned that PG&E had submitted a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to the US Fish and Wildlife Service covering Operations and Maintenance activities through the 9-county Bay Area. The proposed HCP would be good for 30 years. It covers a vast area of 400,000 acres and would allow “incidental take” permits for 32...
Yes to Pipeline Safety. No to Invasive Weeds.
By Lennie Roberts, Legislative Advocate As part of its “Line 109 Gas Pipeline Replacement Project,” Pacific Gas & Electric is proposing to install a new 24-inch diameter gas transmission pipeline along 4.7 miles in the San Francisco Watershed. The proposal includes three segments generally between Edgewood Road and Black Mountain Road. Its purpose is to...
PG&E Gas Pipeline project threatens Edgewood Park
By Lennie Roberts Edgewood Park’s serpentine grasslands support spectacular spring wildflower displays and are habitat for seven species protected under federal and state law, including the Bay checkerspot butterfly and the San Mateo thornmint, a small plant found only at Edgewood. PG&E is proposing to install a new 24” gas pipeline to upgrade a non-standard...